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Statuatory Cells

Nursing profession which demands altruistic service from its members exerts self-discipline at a personal level and general discipline in the campus.

Regular attendance as well as punctuality is expected from the students at lectures, demonstrations, practical, fields work and other such academic exercises as well as in clinical experiences. They are required to attend allotted working period in each of the prescribed subjects. Students are also required to present themselves neat and tidy in their dress, avoiding exaggerated fashions. The students should wear prescribed complete uniform for duty including sandal shoes and ID cards. A pair of simple ear stud are permitted on duty.

A sense of decorum and discipline is expected of every student in the college, hospital as well as in the entire campus. Ragging is strictly prohibited. They shall not indulge themselves either individually or collectively in any form of activity that will bring down the good name of the institution/ Nursing profession Students should refrain from disfiguring walls and furniture and other form of objectionable practices. Students will refrain from any form of indiscipline unfitting to members of the nursing profession. They will strive at all costs to be loyal to the ethics of institution and professional codes of conduct.